Friday, March 7, 2014

I am not an elegant person.

So what am I then?

I am every little thing I do and every little thing I say. I watch movies just to make myself cry. I dance to music when no one is looking. I take things a little too far. I find drama funnier than I should. I swear worse than any sailor I've ever known (which is none, but it's still pretty bad.) I laugh at the most inappropriate times. There's coffee stains on my notes. I stay awake until three in the morning, day dreaming about my future. I stare at strangers for far too long. I eat too fast. Sometimes I forget to say please, but never forget to say thank you. I watch shows about crazy people and crime. I laugh. I cry. I want to punch things in the face (even when they don't have one.) I will interrupt a story, and apologize profusely. I lose track of things I say and sometimes repeat myself three or four times. I will stumble on a smooth passage way. I crinkle my nose when I find something adorable. I adore Disney movies. I pretend I'm grown up. I know big words, yet struggle to string them together. I stutter. I sing horribly. I sing anyways. I don't like looking at myself in the mirror. I'm ten times prettier than I am in pictures. I make bad decisions. I fall in love too hard and too fast, with people I have never seen in person. I live by quotes. I am a perfectionist. I am a warrior. I fight hard for what I want. I give up too easily.  I never forget to say I love you, in fact, I probably say it too much.

I am not an elegant person.
I am me.
I am Ann.

Welcome to my wonderland. 

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